احتفال Swatch Club بسحر السينما في لوكارنو

احتفال Swatch Club بسحر السينما في لوكارنو

17.08.2024 – لوكارنو، سويسرا

استمتع أعضاء Swatch Club السويسري بأمسية لا تُنسى في مهرجان لوكارنو السينمائي السابع والسبعين، حيث كانت Swatch فخورة بكونها الشريك الرئيسي. ولقد بدأ الأمر بنزهة حصرية على طول "شارع" خاص حيث اكتشفوا ساعة LOCARNO77 ذات الإصدار المحدود. 

ثم مشوا على السجادة الحمراء مثل نجوم السينما قبل الحفل الختامي الكبير في المساء: عرض فيلم تحت النجوم كان بمثابة فرحة لعشاق السينما وSwatch على حد سواء.

تسارع نبضات القلب مع Crankworx Whistler

تسارع نبضات القلب مع Crankworx Whistler

‏27.07.2024 – ويسلر، كندا

استمتع أعضاء Swatch Club في كندا بيوم مليء بالأدرينالين في مهرجان Crankworx Whistler، وهو مهرجان ركوب الدراجات الجبلية الشهير عالميًا. ولقد بدأت المغامرة بجولة في متجرنا الجديد في شارع روبسون في فانكوفر، تلتها رحلة ذات مناظر خلابة إلى ويسلر. 

واختلط الأعضاء مع رياضيي فريق Swatch Proteam وهتفوا لإريك فيدكو خلال مسابقة الركوب المثيرة في حانة Black’s Pub. ولقد كان يومًا استثنائيا مليئًا بالمرح وروح Swatch بدءًا من باقة الترحيب الخاصة التي تحمل طابع سام بيلجريم! 

أجواء الكرة الطائرة بين أحضان جبال الألب السويسرية: Swatch Beach Pro Gstaad 2024

أجواء الكرة الطائرة بين أحضان جبال الألب السويسرية: Swatch Beach Pro Gstaad 2024

06.07.2024 – Gstaad، سويسرا

الشمس والرمال و... الجبال! بدأ شهر يوليو بأروع صورة عندما استضافت بطولة Swatch Beach Pro Gstaad نُخبة من لاعبي الكرة الطائرة من جميع أنحاء العالم للتنافس على المجد بين أحضان جبال الألب السويسرية.

خلال الفعالية، أُتيحت الفرصة لأعضاء Swatch Club بسويسرا لتجربة مهاراتهم في الإرسال باستخدام كرة طائرة، ومشاهدة المباريات من منطقة مخصصة لكبار الشخصيات، وكذلك أيضًا الحصول على توقيع اللاعبة Nina Brunner من فريق Swatch Proteam.

La Biennale Arte 2024

La Biennale Arte 2024

22.06.2024 - البندقية، إيطاليا 

استمتع أعضاء Swatch Club في إيطاليا بمغامرة مثيرة في Biennale Arte 2024 في البندقية، حيث حصلوا على فرصة الاستمتاع بالعجائب الفنية والالتقاء بفنانين موهوبين واستكشاف معرض "Foreigners Everywhere" (الأجانب في كل مكان). واستمرت المتعة مع وجبة غداء لذيذة من الأطباق المحلية في أحد مطاعم البندقية الساحرة.

وفي مهرجان ختامي مفاجئ، تم اصطحاب الأعضاء في جولة حصرية في Fornace Orsoni لاكتشاف أسرار فن الفسيفساء الفينيسي.

احتفال Swatch Club بألوان النيون!

احتفال Swatch Club بألوان النيون!

10.05.2024 - بانكوك، تايلاند

 استمتع أعضاء Thai Swatch Club بمعايشة تجربة لا تُنسى، حيث حضروا فعالية خاصة لإلقاء نظرة على مجموعتنا الأحدث على الإطلاق Swatch NEON لأول مرة. وتم نقلهم في بانكوك إلى عالم مستقبلي بأسلوب قديم، واكتملت الصورة ببار من تصميم الثمانينيات والتسعينيات مُزدان بألوان النيون الكهربائية.

هذه كانت فعالية Swatch Nines Snow لعام 2024!

هذه كانت فعالية Swatch Nines Snow لعام 2024!

13.04.2024 — Schilthorn، سويسرا

يوم لا يُنسى: استمتع أعضاء Swatch Club بتجربة حصرية خلال فعالية Swatch Nines التي أُقيمت على خلفية Schilthorn الخلّابة في سويسرا. إلى جانب فرصة مشاهدة هذا المشهد الإبداعي والفريد والمليء بالإثارة، تمتَّع أفراد عائلة Swatch Club بدورة تدريبية على الانهيارات الجليدية ووجبة غداء أثناء مشاهدة القفزات. علاوة على ذلك، تم منح الأعضاء أحقّية الدخول إلى منطقة كبار الشخصيات لمقابلة نجوم المنحدرات ومُصمِّم فعالية Swatch Nines.

Swatch Art Journey - An immersive experience

Swatch Art Journey - An immersive experience

21.03.2024 - London, United Kingdom 

To mark the launch of this year's Swatch Art Journey Collection, we held an immersive experience in London from March 21 to 23. On March 21 during an exclusive event, our Swatch Club members from across Europe got to spend a day exploring everything the Swatch Art Journey has to offer.

The action-packed day saw members visit the Swatch Art Journey immersive experience at 180 Studios in the morning. At the iconic Tate Modern, members enjoyed lunch after attending a private guided tour of the artworks that inspired the collection. A fascinating workshop offered another opportunity for members to explore the power of art and drew the memorable day to a close. 

Swatch Club’s unforgettable ride at Swatch Nines MTB

Swatch Club’s unforgettable ride at Swatch Nines MTB

18–20.08.2023 — Green Hill Bikepark, Germany

Swatch Nines MTB was a blast, and our Swatch Club family was at the heart of the action! From August 18–20, we celebrated creativity and athleticism at Germany’s newest mountain biking destination, Green Hill Bikepark.

Our Club members rode with Swatch Proteam stars, attended an autograph signing session and witnessed their favorite riders in action.

The fusion of mountain biking and skateboarding, innovative park features and the electrifying BYND The Hill Festival made this an event to remember!

Exclusive world premiere for our G&P members

Exclusive world premiere for our G&P members

27-28.07.2023 - Laax, Switzerland

Swatch Club members from around the world came together for a high-altitude, two-day adventure in Laax, where they got an exclusive first look at our new BIOCERAMIC WHAT IF? Collection! The laughter, friendship and shared joy — these moments are etched in our hearts. It’s a Swatch experience to be cherished for years to come!

Swatch Club goes on an Art Journey!

Swatch Club goes on an Art Journey!

Swatch Club members had an unforgettable Art Journey as they explored the special collection in some of the world's most stunning cities. From lovely Lisbon to beautiful Brussels they discovered a whole new world of creativity. VIP events included museum tours, mingling with art aficionados and exclusive pre-launch previews. 

Art Journey events concluded in May where they honored iconic artist Jean-Michel Basquiat in New York, London, and Basel. Join Swatch Club and see where the journey could take you! 

Swatch Nines

Swatch Nines

21-22.04.2023 - Schilthorn, Switzerland

Ten Swatch Club members had the chance to witness snow sport history unfold at the Swatch Nines 2023, the wildest action sport event of the year! Participants were also treated to a one-night stay at the Schilthorn-Piz Gloria ski resort, a guided private tour of the impressive trailblazing park, a meet and greet with the Swatch Proteam athletes, as well as an exclusive helicopter ride to visit a glacier! 

Swatch Club celebrates the Holidays all over the world

Swatch Club celebrates the Holidays all over the world

Our Club members were treated to an exclusive holiday event with a Swiss twist: Swissmas! From Shanghai to New York, hundreds of attendees welcomed the festive season and got a sneak peek of this year’s Holiday Collection. From holiday dinners to Swiss-themed arts & crafts, we couldn’t have celebrated the occasion in a more unique and joyful way.

La Biennale Arte 2022

La Biennale Arte 2022

14-15.10.2022 - Venice, Italy

For La Biennale Arte 2022 in the picturesque Venice, Italy, our Italian Club members were treated to two days of art and hanging out with artists. To show our deep appreciation, they were also the first to see the new CIAO VENEZIA! Art Special watch and got to meet the Thai artist who inspired it, Navin Rawanchaikul.

Swatch X DBZ joins the Club

Swatch X DBZ joins the Club

26.08.2022 - Hong Kong

A lively Swatch X DBZ launch in Hong Kong

We held a very special event in Hong Kong on August 26, 2022: the launch of our Swatch X Dragon Ball Z Collection! Swatch Club members flocked to the Fragrant Harbor metropolis to get a look at seven watches that celebrate one of the most popular anime series of all time: Dragon Ball Z! At the event, each watch had its time in the spotlight, and during a personal tour the attendees had the chance to learn more about the design concept.

Locarno Film Festival, 2022

Locarno Film Festival, 2022

 13.08.2022 – Locarno, Switzerland

To celebrate the 75th edition of the Locarno Film Festival, Swatch Club Switzerland organized a weekend fit for the red carpet.

It all started with a surprise sighting of the MoonSwatch car at the hotel before heading out with our Gold & Pioneer VIPs to meet the Festival’s president, Marco Solari. A delicious lunch was followed by an enjoyable boat ride on the lake.

We wrapped up the day with a magical dinner and red-carpet entrance to the closing ceremony in Piazza Grande.



06.02.2022 - Paris, France

On June 2, 2022, the Swatch Megastore on the Champs-Élysées celebrated its official reopening on the most famous French avenue. Swatch Club members could stroll along the banks of the Seine, be captivated by the small local shops, take selfies in front of the Eiffel Tower or listen to a live jazz band... all within the Megastore! Vive Paris!

An Over the Moon experience at Swatch's home

An Over the Moon experience at Swatch's home

24-25.05.2022 - Biel, Switzerland

A dream come true: Gold & Pioneer Swatch Club members enjoyed two magical days at the HQ in Biel, with the unique opportunity to meet with Mr Hayek, learn all about our extraordinary Bioceramic MoonSwatch Collection and enjoy a galactic entertainment program.

International Swatch Club X Centre Pompidou

International Swatch Club X Centre Pompidou

09.03.2022 - Paris, France

Artworks, architecture and emotion: that was the order of the day for the Swatch X Centre Pompidou Collection launch. European Swatch Club members went on a guided tour of Paris’s premier modern art museum and were the first to see the six watches in the new collection. There was even a trip to see the Swatch megastore, where they had the opportunity to grab some souvenirs of an amazing day!



11-15.01.2022 - Laax, Switzerland

Snow, sun and some of the world’s top athletes together were the recipe of success at the LAAX OPEN 2022 – Europe’s biggest freestyle snowboarding event. Our Swatch Lounge was a welcoming space at the heart of the action, where Swatch Club Members were invited to join in on the fun. To celebrate, we also created the LAAX PAY! limited edition watch. 



01.10.2021 - Rome, Italy 

Swatch Club members experienced 24 hours of art, creativity and many pleasant surprises in Rome during the 10th year anniversary celebrations of the Swatch Art Peace Hotel. 

1984 Party

1984 Party

06.10.2021 - Amsterdam, The Netherlands 

We were back in the 80s when celebrating the launch of our 1984 RELOADED Collection at the Swatch Club Event in Amsterdam. Celebrations were in true 80s fun style with arcade games, roller skates, cotton candy and, of course, 80s hit music. 



10.07.2021 – Gstaad, Switzerland

After a year inside their own four walls, our club members were looking forward to the sand and sun of Swatch Major Gstaad. 

Following a meal at the mountain restaurant and an adventurous scooter downhill, the lucky winners were able to share in the excitement of the game of our two new pro team athletes Tanja & Nina.

And what a game it was!



28.02.2020 - Biel, Switzerland

To celebrate the launch of the new and exclusive James Bond Tribute Collection, Swatch organized a movie night. The lucky ones got a unique opportunity to visit Swatch HQ and enjoy an evening screening of Casino Royale.

Just like a movie premiere, there was a red carpet, photo wall and the incredible Aston Martin from the movie welcoming the guests at the reception.



05.12.2019 - Geneva, Switzerland

From the grand reopening of the store on Rue du Marché, BIG BOLD Sparkle was the star of the show. With a refreshment in hand and an eye on the new design of the store, it was time to present the best host of the night – the new SPARKLEBOLD, available for purchase for 25 lucky guests. An evening to remember!



28.11. – 01.12.2019 - Budapest, Hungary

We had the great fortune of greeting 108 guests from 14 countries. Club members joined us in Budapest for an extended weekend of Hungarian culture, art, creativity, history and Swatch (obviously!). 

It was the perfect celebration to start the holiday season!



31.05. – 02.06.2019 - Bern, Switzerland

The Gold & Pioneer event took place in Swatch’s beautiful home country. We took all 104 of our guests – representing 16 countries – off the beaten hiking trail and showed them places they had never seen before, including the new eye-catching Swatch HQ building. 



28.10.2017 - Venice, Italy

Swatch Club members experienced a day full of art and creativity at the Biennale Arte in Venice. On top of the program, our art-loving club members enjoyed Swatchy surprises around every corner. If you’ve ever been to a Swatch Club event, then you know – always expect the unexpected!