Welcome to the Swatch Art Peace Hotel
The Swatch Art Peace Hotel is a space that brings together diverse artists and encourages creation, collaboration and connection.

Blossom Time: 全球藝術與花卉美學的慶典
Blossom Time,由 Swatch Art Peace Hotel 呈獻的藝術展覽,從 Swatch BLOSSOM TIME 系列汲取靈感,透過藝術讚頌花卉的變幻之美。來自世界各地的傑出藝術家雲集,帶來獨一無二的精彩體驗。歡迎親臨現場或在線上探索!
Check out the whole BLOSSOM TIME Collection
Are you our next artist-in-residence?
Calling all artists! Try making the Swatch Art Peace Hotel your home for 3 to 6 months by applying for a residency. Come and develop your vision in this space dedicated to creativity.

The hotel is designed for collaboration, connection and creation and consists of workshops spaces, common areas and apartments.

Known as “The Pearl of the Orient”, Shanghai is a magnet for creative talent from all over the world. With an iconic location on the Bund, the Victorian Neo-Baroque hotel boasts stunning views of the city.

A virtual home for artistic traces
When the artists wrap up their stay, they are invited to leave an artistic “trace” – an image of their work created during their residency – for the Virtual Museum.
藝術可以有很多形式,而 Swatch 也是其中一種方式!我們從過往的駐場藝術家中精挑細選,並讓這些藝術工作者能有機會與品牌合作,激盪出獨一無二的特殊手錶。