The message takes inspiration from 1984 “don’t be too late”, the first irreverent and ironic message ever printed on a Swatch. It finds 3 different declinations: “same same but different” on the Gent style (spot the difference…it’s a color switch); “call to action” on the new gent style; “tell me more” as a decorative pattern on the movement of Sistem51 (coming in October). One cannot miss it – an ...Show more
watch iconSO29B103
The message takes inspiration from 1984 “don’t be too late”, the first irreverent and ironic message ever printed on a Swatch. It finds 3 different declinations: “same same but different” on the Gent style (spot the difference…it’s a color switch); “call to action” on the new gent style; “tell me mo ...Show more
watch iconSO29B103