Check if SwatchPAY! is available in your country
SwatchPAY! is the easiest way to make secure contactless payments and is available in many countries around the world. Check if it is available in your country.

Pay safely and securely
How does it work? An NFC chip is embedded in your watchhead, just like the one in your payment card. It replaces your card data with unique identifiers to keep your payment info super safe and secure.

Make payments effortlessly
Leave your wallet at home, all you need is your watch! SwatchPAY! doesn't use your watch battery to work, so there’s never a need to recharge. Even better, our watches are water resistant, so you can wear them on all your aquatic adventures.
SwatchPAY! Collection

Browse the list of participating banks and supported cards. We are working with more banks to launch SwatchPAY! in your country. If you don't see your bank or card in the list, check back soon.