Swatch Nines Snow、MTB 和 Surf 以其極具挑戰性且精彩刺激的賽場聞名於世,世界頂尖運動員在這裡享有充足的自由、時間和空間可以盡情發揮。這些活動承諾帶來無與倫比的難忘時刻與非凡體驗,讓你熱血沸騰、欲罷不能。

Events to explore:


Swatch Nines Surf 活動熱鬧非凡,眾多衝浪和滑板界的偶像人物齊聚一堂,其中不乏 Swatch Proteam 運動員和 Swatch Sports 運動社群的成員。

Follow @Swatch on Instagram for the latest stories and action shots from the epic event.

A star-studded lineup

This year, Swatch Nines MTB brings together a diverse international crew of the world’s top mountain bike athletes. The unique lineup also includes Swatch Proteam athletes, Erik Fedko, Casey Brown and Sam Pilgrim. 
