Caramellissima plays tricks with the eye — the strap is a string of pastel pearls that looks so tempting it just has to be real… The double tour elastic strap features multicoloured plastic "candy style" links.
Diameter25.00 mm
Ketebalan7.00 mm
Jarak cuping ke cuping31.40 mm
Kalis air3 Meter
Bahan taliPlastik
Bahan bekasPlastic
Kategori KoleksiPastry Chefs
Jenis pembungkusanStandard
WarnaMerah Jambu
Warna taliMerah Jambu
Warna muka jamHijau
Warna bekasMerah Jambu
Bentuk bekasBulat
Kategori ProdukORIGINALS