A candy-coloured classic that's perfect for the season, the DE TRAVERS (LW146) watch is a stunning choice with an aqua-blue dial featuring pale pink Arabic numerals and orange and yellow hands. The case is rendered in shiny white with green prints, while the coordinating white strap features pale pink on the 12 o'clock side and bright pink on the 6 o'clock side.
Diameter25.00 mm
Ketebalan7.00 mm
Jarak cuping ke cuping31.40 mm
Kalis air3 Meter
Bahan taliSilikon
Bahan kancingPlastik
Gancu taliKancing
Bahan bekasPlastic
Kategori KoleksiSport Mixer
Jenis pembungkusanStandard
Warna taliPutih
Warna muka jamBiru
Warna bekasPutih
Bentuk bekasBulat
Kategori ProdukORIGINALS