The message takes inspiration from 1984 “don’t be too late”, the first irreverent and ironic message ever printed on a Swatch. It finds 3 different declinations: “same same but different” on the Gent style (spot the difference…it’s a color switch); “call to action” on the new gent style; “tell me more” as a decorative pattern on the movement of Sistem51 (coming in October). One cannot miss it – and can join the circle with the most personal suiting style. And of course, the most suiting notion of time: every watch is named after the world TIME in one of the many world languages.
Diameter41.00 mm
Ketebalan9.85 mm
Jarak cuping ke cuping47.40 mm
Kalis air3 Meter
Bahan taliPlastik bersumberkan bio
Bahan kancingBahan bersumberkan bio
Gancu taliKancing
Bahan bekasBahan bersumberkan bio
Kategori Koleksi1983
Jenis pembungkusanStandard
Warna taliHitam
Warna muka jamHitam
Warna bekasHitam
Bentuk bekasBulat
Kategori ProdukORIGINALS