Elegant and pure, the new gent language gest to the essence of design and precision. Dials are debossed with a revealing carving tone on tone effect the plays with light and volumes. The vibrant tones get an extra layer of sophistication thanks to the velvety touch of the bracelets; the brightness of blue and red resonate with the intensity and depth of the black style.
Diameter41.00 mm
Ketebalan9.85 mm
Jarak cuping ke cuping47.40 mm
Kalis air3 Meter
Bahan taliPlastik bersumberkan bio
Bahan kancingBahan bersumberkan bio
Gancu taliKancing
Bahan bekasBahan bersumberkan bio
Kategori Koleksi1983
Jenis pembungkusanStandard
Warna taliHitam
Warna muka jamHitam
Warna bekasHitam
Kategori ProdukORIGINALS