POLABLUE (SO29K702) invites you to dive in. A cool blue hue on the strap matches the color of the Swatch Solar Spectrum glass that protects the blue dial. A splash of orange on the dial is a perfect final touch.
Diameter41.00 mm
Ketebalan9.85 mm
Jarak cuping ke cuping47.40 mm
Kalis air3 Meter
Bahan taliSilikon
Bahan kancingPlastik
Gancu taliKancing
Bahan bekasBahan bersumberkan bio
Kategori KoleksiTransformation
Jenis pembungkusanStandard
Warna taliBiru
Warna muka jamBiru
Warna bekasLut sinar
Bentuk bekasBulat
Kategori ProdukORIGINALS