Innovative and unique BIOCERAMIC for purest highly defined design, soft & silky touch, resistance and resilience. The must have pink choice, with full pink movement. Enjoy the future.
Diameter47.00 mm
Ketebalan11.75 mm
Jarak cuping ke cuping44.80 mm
Kalis air3 Meter
Bahan taliPlastik bersumberkan bio
Bahan kancingAluminium
Gancu taliKancing Separuh
Bahan bekasBioceramic
Kategori KoleksiBIOCERAMIC
Jenis pembungkusanStandard
WarnaMerah Jambu
Warna taliMerah Jambu
Warna muka jamLut sinar
Warna bekasMerah Jambu
Bentuk bekasBulat
Kategori ProdukBIG BOLD